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Qurani Wazifa For Marriage
Qurani Wazifa For Marriage

Qurani Wazifa For Marriage

Qurani Wazifa For Marriage or for getting marriage soon can be use for love marriage. you can also use our wazifa to make someone agree for marriage for best and quick result.

Marriage is a relationship through which husband and wife remain engaged forever in their life. It creates a friendship and love between a husband and wife. They love, trust, and get emotionally attached. Life is incomplete without married life.

Qurani Wazifa For Marriage
Qurani Wazifa For Marriage

Marriage brings two families together and makes a bond between the two families. In today’s world, marriage problem is in stock. Both girls and boys find it difficult to find their match, and if they find their match, other situations will not help them to marry each other. Moreover, people who fall in love with each other find it difficult to find a way to marry each other. Due to this fact, they feel embarrassed about such a situation.

Unfortunately, many Muslims visit fake peers who in spite of helping loot the money of the people. This creates a negative impact on the brain. As a result, they lose hope of getting married to each other. On many occasions, your parents did not allow you to marry that girl which you like most. Because they find that this girl is not suitable for you and if you marry that girl she can ruin your life.

Parents care for their children more than other people in this world. So they take utmost care in choosing a wife for their son or husband for their daughter. They are the most experienced people in your family and have seen the world close from their eyes than you. So do not ignore their suggestion too.

If you have researched well about a girl or guy whom you want to marry and you are satisfied with the results. In spite of this fact, your friends, parents, and relative did not allow you to marry that girl or guy. Then you need a wazifa for marriage. Here is wazifa;

  • First of all, when you are going to perform this wazifa make fresh wadu.
  • You can perform this wazifa at any time in a day.
  • Recite Durood-e-Shareef 11 times.
  • After Durood shareef recite “ Ya faithful” 70 times and recite Surah Yaseen 10 times.
  • Now again recite Durood-e-Shareef 11times.
  • It is right for you to perform this amal after Tahhajud nimaz.
  • Insha Allah, your marriage will be fixed.

Qurani Wazifa For Getting Married Soon

Qurani Wazifa For Getting Married Soon, Marriage is the combination of two souls, who make a promise to spend whole life together. Marriage is a perfect dream for every person in this world, and everybody wants a suitable match for them in this world.

Doing marriage on time is the most significant difficulty for everybody in today’s world. Because a large number of girls and boys are over the marriage age that is they have passed the age of marriage. This is because of the traditions customs, dowry and other expenditure s which the parents of girl or boy cannot have.

As a result, many girls or guy leave the marriage age. It is tough to bear this shock for both girls and boys. Because they have to listen to the bitter words of their relative’s friends and neighbors in this matter.

Which make their life hell? But do not worry if several hindrances are placed before your marriage. Wazifa for getting married soon will eradicate them. Here is wazifa;

  • First of all, do a fresh wadu and woke up at fajr prayer.
  • Recite Surah ikhlaas 105 times continuously for 21 nights after fajr prayer.
  • Do not tell anyone about this wazifa and also recite durood-e-Shareef 11 ties before and after the surah shareef.

Note: women should not do this amal during their periods.

Qurani Wazifa For Love Marriage

Qurani Wazifa For Love Marriage, Many people want to get married to a girl or guy whom they love from their heart. They want to persuade every person for this marriage.

But unfortunately, their friends, parents, and relatives get opposite to this marriage. However, all is well with both the girl and guy whom you want to marry. He/she is from a decent family, well settled, educated, and fro wealthy family.

Moreover, his family background is also good and has proper respect in his society. But despite these reasonable indications, your parents or other relative are not able to accept this marriage. This is a difficult situation both for you and your parents as well. You have to make sure that nobody will be hurt in this matter.

So if you are in the same situations and you are not able to persuade your parents, friend, and relatives for this marriage. You can take help of this wazifa for love marriage. This will convince all family members, particularly your parents, for this marriage. Here is wazifa;

  • First of all, do a fresh wazu and recite this ayat “ Allahumma ya jammunnasi li yamil laraiba fi Innallah la yukhliful maiayaad, ijma bani wa bayna kaza” for the Quran 101 times.
  • Recite Durood-e-Shareef before and after this Ayat.
  • After you have recited, recite the names of both you and your lover and imagine the picture of your lover in your dream. Pray to Allah to help you in your love marriage.
  • Do this wazifa for 21 days consecutively.

Wazifa To Make Someone Agree For Marriage

Wazifa To Make Someone Agree For Marriage, Many times all members of your family agree for your marriage. But one member or friend or relative did not agree to get you to marry with a girl. It is tough to persuade that particular member of your family maybe that would be your father or father. In this case, this member permission is important for this marriage.

You cannot marry without the permission of this member of your family, who is so important for you. To persuade him or her, you must do a wazifa so that he/she will agree for your marriage. Do not worry; we have brought for you a powerful wazifa to persuade that family member for your marriage. Here is wazifa;

  • Do a fresh wadu and recite “Inna Allaha Yusmiyu Mayyashao.”
  • Now recite ayat number 22from Surah Fatir for 111 times.
  • Blow it on the person whose mind you want to change so that he/she may agree for this marriage.
  • If the person is far away from you, imagine the person in your mind and pray to Allah to change his/her mind for your marriage.
  • Insah Allah. In 21 days he/she will agree for your marriage.

Dua Istikhara For Love Marriage

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