Wazifa To Win Lottery

Wazifa To Win Lottery

September 24, 2019 quranicpowers 0

Wazifa To Win Lottery

Wazifa To Win Lottery or to win lucky draw also called Islamic prayer to win lotto. We will also provide you taweez for winning lottery to win lottery.

Wazifa To Win Lottery
Wazifa To Win Lottery

The lottery is a good source of earning revenues. However, some people fail and don’t have other options. You can surely change your luck with a powerful wazifa to win lottery.

As Such, Consider These Wazifas;

  • At first, make a fresh wuzu. Then, do your daily isha Now, read a dua to make a lot of money without investment. Say your jackpot number loudly. Also, chant the dua for five times. You should also recite Surah Bakra once. You will see positive results within few days.
  • Again, after fresh ablution, do your obligatory noon prayers. Then, recite DuroodShareef for 11 times in the beginning. Now, make an appropriate dua for 59 times. Complete the wazifa with another recital of DuroodShareef. Also, do this wazifa for 12 days continuously. However, after winning the lottery, you should donate a quarter to the poor and the needy.
  • Furthermore, on a Friday night, write your wish on a paper. Add a few drops of rose water on it. Now, read a wazifa for 121 times. Also blow on newspaper for 29 times. Then, roll it and keep it in your locker. Again, read the wazifa for 151 times. Finally, keep the paper in your pocket while buying a lottery ticket.

Thus, wazifa to win the lottery will increase your fortunes. You can win the lotto every time you play. Nevertheless, you have to faithfully perform the wazifa. Do it with confidence and devotion. You will soon gain positive outcomes.

Wazifa To Win Lucky Draw

Wazifa To Win Lucky Draw, Despite sincere efforts, you fail to win a lucky draw. However, a wazia to win lucky draw can overcome your financial worries.

Accordingly, Consider These Wazif as;

  • Make fresh ablution and wear clean clothes. Then, offer your daily Isha Now, provide a suitable dua for 100 times for 15 days. However, do not leave a gap. Again, pray to Allah to help you win the lucky draw. You should also have complete faith in the dua.
  • First, perform Fajr prayers in the afternoon. Also, make fresh ablution and wear clean clothes. Now, begin with Durood Sharif for 11 times. Then, read Surah Nisa for 35 times. Next, create an appropriate dua to win lottery for 59 times. Finally, close this wazifa with Durood Sharif for 11 times. You should continue it for 12 days. However, after winning the lottery donate ¼ part to the poor.
  • Again, write your wish on a paper on any Friday night. Pour some drops of rose water. Now, perform a suitable wazifa for 121 times. Also, blow on the paper for 29 times. Then, roll it and keep it safely in your locker. Next, re-read the wazifa for 151 times. You should keep it in the pocket while going out.

Hence, the wazifa to win lucky draw will help you to fulfill your desires. You will also overcome your worries. It is handy and works immediately. You can also take professional help to get the most out of it.

Islamic Prayer To Win Lotto

Islamic Prayer To Win Lotto, If you worry about trying your luck in the lottery you should consider any Islamic prayer to win lotto. You will be able to have a secure and stable future.

In This Regard, Learn These Islamic Prayers;

  • Begin this wazifa with fresh wuzu. Then, wear neat and clean clothes. Now, perform the daily evening Isha Read Surah Bakra from Holy Quran once. Then, offer a dua for winning the lotto 5 times. Also, pray to Allah for granting your wishes. Do it for seven days continuously. You will win the lotto.
  • Again, take paper. Now, write your wish of winning a lottery. Then, add some drops of rose water on it. Next, perform a suitable wazifa for 121 times. Simultaneously, blow on the paper for 29 times. Afterward, roll it and keep it safely where you save your money. Again, recite the wazifa for 151 times. Later, use the money to buy lottery tickets. Also, keep the rolled paper in your pocket while buying. Finally, do it on a Friday night.
  • Furthermore, make fresh ablution. Then, make your everyday noon Zohar Begin and end this wazifa with Durood Sharif for 11 times each. Now, make an appropriate dua for winning the lottery for 59 times. Also, pray to Allah for improved luck and winning. Do it for 12 days. Later on, donate a quarter of you earning money to the needy.

Therefore, you can be successful with an Islamic prayer to win the lotto.

Taweez For Winning Lottery

Taweez For Winning Lottery, If you desperately want to win a lottery then try a powerful tweeze for winning lottery. You can keep a suitable prayer in it to enhance your luck.

As Such, You Should Consider These Wazif as;

  • At first, do your daily noon Zohar Then, make a fresh ablution. Now, recite Durood Sharif for 11 times. Make an appropriate dua for winning the lottery. Read it for 59 times. Finally, close this wazifa with Durood Sharif for 11 times. You should continue it for 12 days. Again, donate a quarter of your winning money to the poor and the needy.
  • Furthermore, on a Friday night, write your wish on a paper. Then, add a few drops of rose water on it. Now, read the wazifa for winning lotto for 121 times. Also, blow on the paper for 29 times. After the ritual roll it and safely keep it with your money in a locker. Continue it for 12 days. Also, use this money to buy your tickets. Also, take the paper with you while purchasing. Finally, after winning the lottery, distribute a quarter to the needy and the poor.
  • Again, do this simple yet effective wazifa. After wuzu, perform your obligatory Isha Then, recite surah Bakra from Hole Quran once. Now, read a dua for five times to win lottery. Also, sincerely pray to Allah to fulfill your dreams.

Therefore, you can use taweez for winning a lottery to gain plenty of money. However, you should do it faithfully.

Dua For Respect And Honour

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