हर मुश्किल आसान होने की दुआ, यह कोई नहीं जानता कि हमारे ऊपर कौन सी मुश्किल कब किस समय और किस रूप में आ जाए। कभी कोई दुश्मन हमारे लिए मुश्किल पैदा कर देता है तो कभी किसी करीबी रिश्तेदार या दोस्त के कारण हम मुसीबत में पड़ जाते है। इसके अलावा कभी-कभी परिवार में कोई सदस्य बीमार हो जाता है तो भी बड़ी मुश्किल आन पड़ती है।
इससे निपटने के लिए लोग दरगाह जाकर चादर चढ़ा देते है और मौलवी आदि से सलाह भी लेते है। लेकिन कई बार मुश्किल कुछ ज्यादा ही बड़ी होती है, जिसे दूर करने के लिए हर मुश्किल आसान होने की दुआ की ही मदद लेनी पड़ती है। चलिए हर मुश्किल आसान होने की दुआ जान लेते है।
हर मुश्किल आसान होने की दुआ इतनी ज्यादा कारगर है कि मात्र एक रोज़ यह अमल करने से आपकी सारी मुश्किले आसान हो जाएगी। हर मुश्किल आसान होने की यह दुआ रात 12.45 बजे पढ़ना है। सबसे पहले आधी रात को उठकर नहा लीजिए और साफ पाक कपड़े पहनकर वजू कर लीजिए। इसके बाद बड़े इत्मीनान के साथ 2 रकत नमाज़ पढ़िए। इसके बाद हर मुश्किल आसान होने की दुआ 1000 मरतबा पढ़िए-
अल्लाहुम्मा सल्ली अली सयाद मोहम्मद सलातुन बिहा उकूती फ़र्रिज बिहा कुरबती बिन फह बिहा हाजती
हर मुश्किल आसान होने की दुआ पढ़ने के बाद अंत में अल्लाह ताला से अपने गुनाह माफ करने के भीख मांगिए। वैसे तो यह दुआ एक बार में ही अपना असर दिखा देती है, लेकिन सभी बड़ी मुश्किल आसान होने की दुआ आप हफ्ते में एक बार पढ़ सकते है।
Wazifa For Hal E Mushkilat or ka hal quran se can be use for extreme difficulty. We will provide you which surah recite to get mushkilat ka hal solution.
Which Wazifa Use For Hal E Mushkilat?
The trouble is the earth and parcel of any life. That is how we learn to live. As hurdles are necessary to walk smoothly. But, at the same time, everything needs to be stipulated and calculated. Mushkil or problems at all times are not good too. As there are different seasons, so there have to be different phases also.
We just need to wait for the problems to pass. There are certain phases of troubles which do not seem easy to pass. And, no matter what you do or how hard you try. But, you always fail to find any solution to your liking problems.
Wazifa For Hal E Mushkilat
At the same time, there are certain truths of life. And, one can not just simply walk away from the troubles. As with passing times, we all need to face them. But, there has to be an approach. Also, you can not have an emotional reaction to all your troubles. As it will never lead you out of it.
Also, always remember one thing: Allah helps those who help themselves. Thus, you just cannot sit and expect everything to go fine. Everyone needs to put in some effort. But, there has to be a strategy. For any health-related issue, you need to go to the doctor. So, as per the nature of your problem, you need to take action.
Procedure of The Wazifa For Hal E Mushkilat
Allah has tailored solutions ready for all our troubles. Provided we should know where to look for them. Indeed, in the Quran, there are answers ready. After your obligatory Namaz you can read the following dua:
“Rabbah Annee Massaniyat Durru Wa anta Arahamur Rahimeen.”
You can recite it 100 times. Inshallah, you will see that all your troubles will cede away.
What is Mushkilat Ka Hal Quran Se?
Mushkilat Ka Hal Quran Se, Well, there is not a single solution that you can’t find in the Quran. Allah has sent the holy book for our purpose only. Moreover, gifted is the one who asks. Confide yourself in Allah. And, Inshallah, you will never have to look anywhere else.
The almighty is the one who can deliver us from all the troubles. At times just regular reading of the Quran can remove us from all the problems. Just keep on trying.
There are many verses in the Quran which are sent to us for help. Also, when you feel that your troubles are not going away. Therefore you can read endlessly, YaMumeeto abundantly. He will never shy away to bestow his blessings on you.
Also, he always listens to the desperate one. The one who weeps in the Namaz. As he can not see your pain. So, let the mighty know your worries. Moreover, learn to be patient. As it can be a test too.
Agreeable, we are living in the times where we get bothered by small worries. So, having a little endurance is the need of the hour. Thus, no matter how hard it seems, don’t lose any hope. For these difficult times will not last long.
Procedure of The Mushkilat Ka Hal Quran Se
There are many Quranic verses that one could read. So, look for one or two. And read them diligently. you can read the Surah Qamar, which is as follows:
“Rabbahuinnee Maghlubun fantasir.”
You need to read it 100 times each day. Inshallah, all your troubles will end soon.
Wazifa For Extreme Difficulty
Wazifa For Extreme Difficulty, In Front of Allah, no problem is extreme. Also, no matter what happens, you need to stand courageous. May Allah provide you the required strength. Therefore, if he is by your side, then you just don’t have to worry.
Moreover, you need to think that it all will end soon. Always aspire for an optimistic future as even the idea of it is enough. Therefore you can just reach for the solution. Also, every problem has a solution. So that solution has to be diligently looked for.
And, at the same time, some practical solutions should also be looked for as they will help you get the insight. There are indeed troubles which are hard to get away with. So, no.matter what, you have to stand tall.
Allah is there to help you, no matter what. He is the supreme helper. Moreover, there are times when the situation seems so bleak. And, this extreme difficulty strips us from our confidence. All you need is the strength offered by Allah.
Also, encourage all the members of your family to provide the Namaz. There you are getting the blessings in multi folds. Allah just won’t be able to ignore so many calls of help. Especially that of the little ones. So always inculcate in your kids the habit of the Namaz.
Procedure of The Wazifa For Extreme Difficulty
No wazifa works without the Namaz. Thus, not in any situation, let go of it. First. Offer the Namaz. Now read the Durood Shareef for the 11 times. After that, read the following dua:
“FasahhilyaIlaahi KullaSu’ubin Bi’ hurmatee Sanayyidil AbraariSahhil.”
Read it as much as you can. Again, read the Durood Shareef for 11 times. Inshallah, all your extreme difficulties will go away soon.
FAQ About Wazifa For Hal E Mushkilat
Which Surah Recite To Get Mushkilat Ka Hal?
May Allah save us all from the upcoming troubles? And deliver us all from the problems that have struck. Inshallah, we will come out of all the difficulties. Thus, we will find ourselves coming out of it. Furthermore, that trouble in your life can never break you only if you want to break it. And, in the name of Allah alone, there is immense courage. It strengthens us from the core. Therefore that courage will help you to endure this difficult period. The Surah to recite to get Mushkilat ka hal You need to read the Surah Muzammil, 3 to 5 times. As it will end all your troubles. Also, read it as if it is the only solution. Inshallah, you will get the results soon. Moreover, Allah is the real help and only capable help. Always ask him. May he be by your side forever?