Wazifa To Go Abroad

Wazifa To Go Abroad

September 9, 2019 quranicpowers 0

Wazifa To Go Abroad

Wazifa To Go Abroad or to settle abroad with family can be use for green card. You can get a strong wazifa to get job in abroad from our quranic expert to solve all abroad problems.

People must follow their destiny as well as their passion. Sometimes, opportunities are waiting for you. But, not every time it comes under the same boundaries.

Wazifa To Go Abroad
Wazifa To Go Abroad

You might get the best opportunities abroad. Even if you have reached the chance, it does mean you can quickly go. You might be facing a lot of trouble while getting approval.

The procedure consists of a lot of steps that take time. Also; opportunities soval may not get granted. Therefore, we have brought these most powerful supplications that you can perform. This will surely bring success to you. You will get the desired job in abroad.

Wazifa To Settle Abroad With Family

Wazifa To Settle Abroad With Family, Everybody dream of serving his/her family with the pleasure of a good life. Many of them have always dreamed of settling in abroad. Well, we all have dreamed of going to abroad and settling where you will get all the pleasure you have been seeking.

In this case, you don’t want to leave your family alone here. You would like to be with your family. As a home is where your heart is, and it resides where your family and loved ones are present. But, settling in abroad remains a dream for a lifetime as not everyone gets that chance in their life.

If you want to get settled abroad with your family, you need to go through a lot of procedure. There is a very lengthy and frustrating process that includes lots of paperwork.

Even if you are going for a temporary visa, you might have to face many hurdles and hardships. Also, there is an eligibility check that mainly cancels most of the applications.

But, you don’t have to panic. You apply and leave the approval to Allah. In this case, you must reach out to the almighty Allah. For that, we have brought wazifa to settle abroad with a family to you.

With the help of this wazifa, you will be free from the hardships and hurdles coming in the way. Also, you can quickly get the approval of your visa along with your family. The only thing you have to do is to have faith in the holy Allah and his mercy.

Steps For Wazifa To Settle Abroad With Family

  1. Bathe and do ablution.
  2. Then, wear clean clothes.
  3. Find a place appropriate for your prayers.
  4. Do not speak to anyone while performing the wazifa to settle abroad with family.
  5. Do the recitation of ya wadudu after Esha prayers.
  6. You must repeat it a thousand times.
  7. Repeat the whole procedure for forty days.
  8. Insha Allah, you will notice positive results and all the paper works will clear.

We hope you get the benefits of this wazifa to settle abroad with family.

Wazifa For Green Card

Wazifa For Green Card, Before performing the wazifa for a green card, you must have to be eligible for the following criteria:

  1. You must have to take a fresh bath before starting the whole process.
  2. After that, you are taking ablution is a must. Otherwise, you will not qualify the cleanliness requirements.
  3. You must bear positive thoughts in your mind. Otherwise, you might lose faith in the wazifa for a green card
  4. You must keep yourself away from all the intoxications like alcohol, cigarette, and weed and haram foods.
  5. Perform the recitation of the Holy Quran daily.
  6. And you must be performing the five-time prayers every day.

If you have passed these criteria, that means you are eligible to perform and get the benefits of the wazifa for a green card.

Steps To Perform Wazifa For Green Card

  1. Recite durood e Ebrahimi for eleven times.
  2. After that, do the recitation of the dua written below.
  3. Ya mufettihal ibwaab if tah le na hayral baab.
  4. Read it for a hundred times.
  5. Then, recite durood e, Ebrahimi, again.
  6. At last, make supplications and ask Allah to bring ease to the process of getting a green card and settling abroad.
  7. Make sure you are eligible by fulfilling all the criteria. Otherwise, you will get no results.

This wazifa has the potential to make essential changes. If you have found this ineffective, you must become sure of your eligibility and your faith.

Wazifa To Get A Job In Abroad

Wazifa To Get A Job In Abroad, Undoubtedly, we all seek for better opportunities. Globalization has led to seeking such opportunities across the globe. Hence, to find a better job, people strive for getting it abroad. Here is the following wazifa to get a job in abroad

Allahumma la sahla illama JA altu sahla

wa anta taj alul hazna idha shi ta sahla


There is no one capable but the almighty Allah who can ease all the hurdles in my life.

But, some somethings have to do before going through this dua and completing the whole procedure.

Wazifa To Get A Job In Abroad

  1. You have to be a true Muslim. And a true Muslim is the one who prays the salah of all five times a day.
  2. Reading of the Holy Quran daily is must for you.
  3. You should keep yourself away from bad habits like intoxications.
  4. Make your mind clear and have faith in the holiness and merciful Allah.

Steps To Get A Job In Abroad

  1. First thing you need to do is to read durood, Shareef.
  2. You must be reading this for eleven times.
  3. After that, recite surah al Fatiha.
  4. Repeat this three times.
  5. After that recite ya muzil for a hundred times.
  6. Then, read surah al Fatiha for three times again.
  7. Now, recite durood Shareef for eleven times.
  8. Lastly, make dua to Allah and ask for prosperity and success. You can mention your intention of going to abroad for job.

Perform the wazifa to get a job in abroad with your heart and indulge yourself in prayers as much as possible.

Dua For Success In Business

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